5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (2025)

Philips NT5650/16 Series 5000 Check price

Philips NT5650/16 Series 5000

Trimming with Precision

The Philips NT5650 is a gentle yet effective machine. First and foremost, with its protective guard system, the model trims without pulling or tugging, delivering painless results. Preventing the blades from coming in contact with hairs, this system also eliminates nick and cuts.

But, of course, we've seen Philips trimmers with this system before, as well as the PrecisionTrim™ tech that the company's trimmers and shavers always come with nowadays. What we don't always see with Philips trimmers is the detail trimmer attachment that's supplied with this nifty little machine. As the name suggests, the attachment enables detail trimming, so you can achieve professional results at home.

Aside from that, the model will let you adjust the angle as well as shape and define the beard's edges, which means that you can experiment with different styles. As always, the package also includes two precision combs (3 and 5 millimetres) and an eyebrow trimmer. They're generally fine but the said trimmer is a little difficult to attach/detach, making swapping between different attachments a little inconvenient. Setting this negligible mishap aside, the Philips NT5650 trims with quickness, efficiency, and unmatched precision.

5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (2)

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Last updated price £19.99
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5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (3)

Philips NT5650/16 Series 5000

Schon 3 in 1 Check price

Schon 3 in 1

Show Your Beard Some Love Too

There are a couple of things that make the trimmer from Schon a bit more appealing than most of its competition.

First, unlike the majority of the said competition, the model comes equipped with a rechargeable battery. It will save you the trouble of buying replacement batteries every couple of months. It will also save you some money in the long run.Second, though advertised as a noise and ear trimmer, the electrical appliance includes a hair attachment. With it, you will be able to trim sideburns and keep your facial hair well-groomed.Aside from making facial hair maintenance much less of a drag, the model is great at removing hairs without pulling them, so your grooming routine should be a rather painless experience.

Both the blades and the body of this trimmer are made of stainless steel. The unit will look great on any bathroom counter.Generally speaking, you'll be able to clean the blades by running them under the tap. But if that doesn't do the trick, there's also a cleaning brush that comes with the model, perfect for maintaining the trimmer and increasing its service life.

Some customers report that the trimmer can produce noticeable vibrations from time to time. But we wouldn't even call it mildly annoying, let alone distracting enough to interfere with your grooming procedures.

To sum it up, this model from Schon is easily the best option for people who do not feel like investing in a beard trimmer in addition to the nose and ear trimmer. This small unit does it both, so you won't need any other tool to keep yourself well-groomed.

5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (5)

Last updated price £12.49
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5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (6)

Schon 3 in 1

Panasonic ER-GN30 Check price

Panasonic ER-GN30

No Hair Missed

For most people, hair removing is a painful and unpleasant procedure, something they would rather do without. However, not anymore. Thanks to the advanced technologies and new design solutions implemented in the modern grooming tools, removing hair from hard-to-reach body areas and face has become a much better experience. The Panasonic ER-GN30 Nose and Ear Trimmer is just a perfect case in point. With this nose and ear trimmer, you'll always look neat and smart without having to go through excruciating hair pulling.

To start off, the tool has a comfy design which is convenient to hold in hands without having to twist angles. It features curved hypo-allergenic blades and is capable of removing hairs from 0.5-mm long, so you can rest assured knowing that no hair will be missed and you'll always look top-notch. Plus, the blades here have a dual-edge design which allows it to cut stray hairs as well as those that grow on the sides, letting you achieve a 100% clean look.

In addition to fantastic performance, the ER-GN30 Nose and Ear Trimmer is very easy to maintain. It features the innovative Vortex™ Cleaning System which automatically rinses all stuck hairs from the unit head, thus saving you the need to do it all manually. Plus, the trimmer is completely waterproof, meaning it can be safely cleaned under the tap. For those who prefer dry operation, the model includes a special cleaning brush.

However, the best thing about this trimmer is that it offers cordless use. Powered by one AA battery (not included), it provides up to 90 minutes of non-stop use, making it an ideal option for those who often go on business trips and travels and would like to use it on the go.

5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (8)

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Last updated price £13.50
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Panasonic ER-GN30 Hair Trimmers

5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (9)

Panasonic ER-GN30

Philips NT3650/16 Series 3000 Check price

Philips NT3650/16 Series 3000

Comparable Results

The Philips NT3650 will cost you quite a bit less than the previous Philips model that we've reviewed above but, for the most part, the trimmer delivers comparable results. The same PrecisionTrim™ technology makes an appearance here as well, with its dual-sided construction making sure that the hairs get cut from any angle/direction with matching speed and precision. Likewise, the stainless steel blades sharpen themselves and generally last years before requiring replacement.

Borrowing from its more expensive stablemates, this model adopts the company's staple protective guard system that minimises missed hairs whilst preventing the machine from pulling, tugging, or causing nicks/cuts. The package even features a nice little travel pouch that lets you travel with this trimmer and the attachments that come with it. As you would expect, these attachments include a precision comb (5 millimetres) and an eyebrow comb.

Same as its less affordable sibling, the Philips NT3650 works of one AA battery. The difference here is that this model is a little less forgiving towards AA batteries, so you'll be replacing it a bit more frequently. Apart from that, the Philips NT3650 will keep you groomed without investing more than ~10 quid.

5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (11)

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Last updated price £14.99
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5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (12)

Philips NT3650/16 Series 3000

Wahl 5545-427 Check price

Wahl 5545-427

Your Personal Grooming Assistant

What sells the Wahl 5545-427 is its super sleek design which makes it easier to trim nose hair, eyebrows and tiny hairs on the neck, allowing you to effortlessly reach all hard-to-reach areas. What's more, it has a set of premium stainless steel blades. They are not only extra sharp but are also distinguished by the robust rust- and corrosion-resistant stainless steel design so you can expect them to deliver professional results and require very little in terms of maintenance. Furthermore, the trimmer is supplied with added eyebrow and comb attachments, thus, you will be able to create better style and perfectly-shaped eyebrows with no hassle.

What is also of note when it comes to all Wahl products is that their quality is never compromised. In fact, when you hear Wahl, you are guaranteed to get a premium product that will allow you toenjoy the idealperformance and top-notch grooming results in the comforts of your own home.The Wahl 5545-427 is not an exception. Not only is it crafted frompremium materials, but also itfeatures a high-quality satin finish to keep the head hygienic, which makes it safe for all types of skin, includingallergic and highly sensitive.Besides, since it's battery-powered, it's perfect for short and long trips.

To sum up, if you've come in the market for a multifunctional personal grooming assistant that can be used on-the-go, this one will fit the bill.

5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (14)

Last updated price £10.99
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5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (15)

Wahl 5545-427

5 Best Nose and Ear Trimmers Reviews of 2023 in the UK (2025)
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